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How's your writing going? Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this month or any other type of writing event? Though writing can often be a solitary task, the great thing about social media is that writing communities are right at your fingertips. Not all of them are free, but they can help with the isolation writers feel from time to time.
The other wonderful thing you can find on social media is writing news: new books, writers talking about the representation agreements they just signed, book birthdays, book giveaways, and even writers talking about queries that have gone nowhere.
Now, before you think I'm encouraging you to waste your writing time on internet browsing, I'm only sharing it because we all need to connect with fellow writers from time to time and read some news to inspire us and cheer us on.
Here are a few of my favorite inspirational quotes about writing. Hope you'll share some of yours.
Write what should not be forgotten. ~ Isabel Allende
To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong. ~ Joseph Chilton Pearce
Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers. ~ Isaac Asimov
A book is a dream you hold in your hand. ~ Neil Gaiman
What will you write today? What will you write tommorow?

Cheryl C. Malandrinos is a freelance writer and award-winning editor. She is the author of four children’s books including, A Christmas Kindness, released by 4RV Publishing. A blogger and book reviewer, she is a member of SCBWI and lives in Massachusetts with her husband and three adult children. Visit Cheryl's website at https://ccmalandrinos.com or her children’s book blog at https://childrensandteensbookconnection.wordpress.com
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