by: vehoae
Tony LoPresti
Jeanne Conway
Tornadoes can occur most anywhere, but in America the region known as tornado alley (from Northern Texas straight up through eastern South Dakota) gets the most attention - along with the State of Alabama.
Since we’re now into the normal season for tornadoes, April to June, this is an important time to speak about them with children. Storm Sentinel by Tony LoPresti is an excellent assist for educators and parents when talking with children. The story is told from the perspective of an animated tornado siren named Fred. The book also includes sections to answer many questions about the characteristics and incredible strength of tornadoes.
I was pleased to see that LoPresti wrote the story to address not just preparation for and duration of the storm, but also addressed the aftermath of one particular tornado in a gentle manner appropriate for young children. This excellent book certainly deserves a place on all bookshelves.
This sounds like a great and much needed book, particularly heading into the tornado season. Congratulations, Tony and Jeanne.