Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Spirit of Thankfulness Is Powerful

 The Spirit of Thankfulness Is Powerful by Joan Y. Edwards

Today is a great day to be thankful. Thankfulness brings you more of the good things you appreciate. A simple thank you lightens the heart and remains for a lifetime.  Thank you gives people reasons to do great things for you again.

It is a good idea to celebrate each day of your life. I believe that celebrating is a way to say thank you.

Celebrate when you get up each morning.
Be thankful when you eat every meal.
Celebrate when you learn new skills.
Be thankful for those who help you do things you can't do for yourself.
Celebrate the time you have with your family.
Be thankful for the leaders who truly care about the citizens they serve.
Celebrate the children and adults who brighten your day with a different way of looking at life.
Be thankful for the money you have.
Celebrate that you are willing to share a little of what you have with others.
Be thankful for the clothes you wear.
Celebrate that you teach others to be good stewards of every thing they own.
Be thankful that you have transportation to get where you need to go.
Celebrate the inventions of transportation that are friendly to our environment.
Be thankful for the words you write.
Celebrate the joy of hearing and reading a good story.
Be thankful that you are a part of a good story.
Celebrate the ability of a picture to be worth a thousand words.
Be thankful that you can teach others what you learned the hard way.
Celebrate the ability to laugh at your own mistakes.
Be thankful for life.
Celebrate the young, the middle-aged, and the elderly.
Be thankful for the life of your family and friends.
Celebrate you and the one who created you.
Be thankful.

Thank you to 4RV Publishing for believing in me and Joan's Elder Care Guide's with release date of June 2015.

Thankfulness doubles your power. What you give away in thoughts, words, and actions to celebrate thankfulness is returned to you. Then you will have twice as much as you had in the first place.

Thank you for reading this blog post. Celebrate you today. You are one of a kind. Why are you thankful? Count the ways and rejoice. Share them in the comment area. I'd love to read them.


  1. Joan,
    I especially like this one: Celebrate the children and adults who brighten your day with a different way of looking at life...Those are precious moments.

    Enjoy your time with family this Thanksgiving.

  2. Dear Linda,
    Thank you for writing. It is fun to remember the times when someone helps us smile when we are feeling down. You are right. These times are indeed precious moments.
    I appreciate your good wishes and hope you enjoy Thanksgiving with your family, too.
    Never Give Up
    Joan Y. Edwards

  3. Dear Vivian,
    Thank you for writing. I've been praying strongly for your recovery and wellness. I celebrate your many gifts: compassion, organization, editing, recognizing a good story, and many other gifts. Thank you for sharing them with us.
    Never Give Up
    Joan Y. Edwards
