Wednesday, December 19, 2012

An Amazon Book Review Is a Wonderful Gift for Writers

"An Amazon Book Review Is a Wonderful Gift for Writers" by Joan Y. Edwards

This is December - a month noted for giving and receiving.  What are gifts that writers like?
 Pile of gorgeous gifts

10 Gifts Writers Can Give Themselves
  1. Confidence
  2. Faith and belief that their stories will be self-published or published by traditional publishers
  3. Investment of  time, talent, and/or money to educate, write, critique, and revise
  4. Materials to write: pencil/pen and paper, computer and backup protection, writing software
  5. Life Experiences to notice emotional impact in themselves and and others
  6. Read best-selling books in their genre(s)
  7. Study books and/or expert blog posts on the craft of writing; take workshops online or in person
  8. Study the pitches of best-selling books and movies
  9. Study possible markets
  10. Submit work often (Pubsub)
7 Gifts Writers Like to Give and Receive
  1. Encouragement
  2. Support
  3. Education
  4. Critique
  5. Hope
  6. Publication
  7. Book Review on Amazon
I read that an author needs 25 book reviews on Amazon to influence buyers.
Doing a book review for a writer is an awesome gift.  Receiving a book review is even more reason to celebrate. If you let an author know you're willing to do a book review, many times he'll send you a paperback or digital copy.

What is your favorite gift as a writer?

Celebrate you today.


  1. Pictures! I LOVE getting pictures of kids reading my books, or having one read to them. Great post. I'd love more reviews. Need to do some for people myself.

  2. Dear Rena and Denny,
    Thanks for writing. I love getting pictures of kids reading my books, too. It touches my heart deeply. I hope you give and receive many book reviews in 2013. Celebrate you!

    Never Give Up
    Joan Y. Edwards

  3. I doubt all my books together have that many reviews on Amazon.


    1. Dear Vivian,
      Thanks for writing. Wow! Maybe that source wasn't accurate. I think that readers read one to three reviews. As a writer, I do love to get book reviews. It all helps to give encouragement and credibility as a writer.
      Thank you for giving writers, illustrators a chance with 4RV Publishing. You are an inspiration.

      Celebrate your creativity
      Never Give Up
      Joan Y. Edwards

  4. Joan,
    Spreading the word about a good book is certainly a good gift. A review is a great gift for the author and for potential readers. Let's all do more to promote good books.

    1. Dear Linda,
      Thanks for writing. You are right, a review is a great gift for the author and for potential readers. Thanks for encouraging us to do more to promote good books.

      Celebrate your marketing savvy,
      Never Give Up
      Joan Y. Edwards

  5. Joan, a review given from the heart is one of my favorite reviews, but I do like seeing pictures of children reading my books. That's very heartwarming, and you're right, it's encouraging.


    1. Dear Stephanie, Thanks for writing. Reviews and pictures of people enjoying reading our books are definitely heart-warming. Enjoy your holidays. Celebrate you, your family, an your fans.

      Never Give Up

  6. Joan, you're so right. Giving an Amazon review is a wonderful gift for an author. To be an influence, 25 reviews may be accurate. You know, as authors if we put our mind (and effort) to it, I bet we could all get that many.
