Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Writer’s Block is a Myth

by Robert Medak

Writers talk about Writer’s Block, it is just a term and nothing more.

Some writers may disagree with me. Writer's block occurs because the writer hasn’t paid enough attention to their research, or has a clear conception of their writing project. Before tackling any writing task, it is necessary to have a clear concept of what they are writing, albeit a story, and article, a synopsis, or pitch.

My favorite quote, which I use as part of my e-mail signature, is by Mark Twain that speaks volumes to me is, "The time to begin writing an article is when you have finished it to your satisfaction. By that time you begin to clearly and logically perceive what it is that you really want to say."

Before beginning any writing project, the writer should take the time to gather their thoughts about what it is they wish to accomplish with their writing project. This may be a difficult concept for some writers to comprehend, especially the beginning or unpublished writer.

There are different types of writers. I for one am a seat of the pants writer. Writing for me is to have a clear concept of what I want to say, than say it the best way possible for the reader to have a clear idea of what I am saying. I want to engage the reader and offer information that may help them in articles I write.

The bottom line is to have a clear idea of what you are writing, get it written down, then edit it or have someone you trust edit the work for you.

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  1. I don't like the term 'writer's block' but we have all had those writing times when we couldn't figure what we needed to do next. I suppose that could be called writer's block, but it's really writer's uncertainty. It's like Twain said, you just don't really know where you want to go yet.

    I will present a program at the May 3-5 Oklahoma Writer's Federation Conference on how to help yourself over those rough spots.

  2. I wish we could get more 4RV authors and editors to attend the OWFI conference, Wayne. (
